What’s causing the creepy crawly infestation? Picture: Kylie Else
WILD weather, winds and heavy rain on Australia’s east coast have created havoc for residents and while the clouds have cleared, the warmer weather comes with a sting in the tail. Literally.
The heavy rain and now humidity has lead to ideal breeding conditions for many nasties.
Mosquitos, cockroaches and paralysis ticks are in party mode, with conditions enabling them to live and breed longer around rural and metropolitan areas along the east coast.
“Right now is as good as it gets for mozzies,” Dr Cameron Webb, Medical Entomologist from UNSW and NSW Health Pathology, told news.com.au.
“They aren’t just coming out of swamps, but breeding and growing in the suburbs as well.
“They’re breeding in potplants, rubbish bins and gutters. These humid conditions mean they will expand at the same rate as swamps and bushland areas.”
Ticks and cockroaches are also on the increase around coastal areas.
“Ticks love warm, humid weather particularly after rain. So for a few weeks they will be quite active along coastal areas of NSW,” Dr Webb said.
It’s the adult female tick that causes most of the damage. A bite from a thirsty arachnid can lead to paralysis, spreading of other diseases and even fatal allergic reactions within some hosts.
Leading toxinologist Dr Kenneth Winkel from the University of Melbourne, warns ticks pose a double danger.
“Ticks have an unusual venom and are very hazardous to humans,” Dr Winkel said.
“Snakes can cause paralysis, but ticks combine paralysis venom and their saliva which can cause an allergic reaction in some people.
“Tick allergy is much more dangerous, and common, than paralysis in people. It’s more of a concern in terms of fatalities.”
Allergic reactions from a tick is caused when the bite area and tick are inadvertently scratched or disturbed, or due to unsuccessful removal of the tick.
Also making an appearance has been one of Australia’s lesser known dangers, with sightings of venomous sea snakes in beaches.
A pair of yellow-bellied sea snakes were found washed up on the south coast of NSW last week before being returned to the ocean by a passer-by.
The resident, who found the snakes on Congo Beach, told the ABC she was “able to put it [snake] over a stick and put it back in the water”.
Highly venomous, the species are usually found a few kilometres off the coastline of Australia. According to the Australian Museum, the yellow-bellied sea snake prefers water temperatures between 11.7C and 36C, but with recent winds and rain, the chances of sea snakes being washed ashore has increased.
So should we brace for a sea snake epidemic along the east coast?
Yellow-bellied Sea Snake similar to what was washed up on Congo Beach on the NSW South Coast. Picture: Ted Johnson.Source:Supplied
“Not at all,” Cecilie Beatson, Technical Officer for Herbitology at the Australian Museum told news.com.au.
“These washing ups occur quite frequently, a few times every couple of years so don’t be alarmed.
“We find these occurrences coincide with strong storms and winds in the region. In the summer, we see them pop up on the coast. Often the snakes that are washed ashore are probably weaker snakes that have been brought further south.
“Naturally, the types of snakes that washed up in NSW this week reside in tropic waters, but are coming down in the east Australian current.
“The yellow-bellied is the most cold tolerant, but they aren’t down here for breeding or feeding.”
The adult female tick poses the greatest threat to people. Picture: iStock.Source:istock
Despite living around most parts of Australian waters, the chance of being bitten by a sea snake is slim.
“Sea snake bites aren’t common in Australia,” Ms Beatson said.
“Some species are inquisitive, such as the olive sea snake, and might interact with divers, but I can’t recall any cases of one coming straight up to a person and having an aggressive attack on them”.
Bites should be treated in the same way as other snake bites.
“Sea snakes all have pretty similar venom, so there has been one anti-venom that covers most of the bites that happen,” Dr Winkel said.
“Sea snakes have similar venoms and can cause paralysis, but they don’t cause problems with blood clotting like the Brown snake.
“They also have toxins that attack the muscle tissue and result in muscle destruction that poisons the kidney.”
Dr Winkel warns if you do spot a sea snake on shore — even if it is dead — leave it alone as it can still transmit poison.
“The proteins in the venom are active after the animal is dead, so I wouldn’t be putting my fingers in its mouth,” Ms Beatson agreed.
“Compress the bite with a piece of clothing and emobilse the limb. Then contact medical authorities as soon as possible.”
Mosquito’s are in party mode thanks to recent rain and humid conditions. Picture: iStock.Source:istock
So what’s causing the creepy crawlies to cause havoc?
“Almost all insects like warm, humid conditions because it provides better breeding and development conditions,” Dr Webb said.
“They are also able to live longer, so able to build up higher populations. When it’s humid they can hang around longer and cause problems.
“DEET-based repellents are good for ticks and mozzies. Pre-treating clothing with insecticides can be an added way to protect against ticks.
“Those containing DEET or picaridin are best for mozzies and have the longest lasting protection,” Dr Webb added.
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