YouTube's Rebecca Brown shaves her head to combat hair-pulling disorder

Rebecca Brown appears on camera, her blonde hair in a stylish pixie cut.

But with tears welling in her eyes, she brings an electric razor into view.

For the next few minutes, the 23-year-old shaves her off the hair it has taken her years to grow.

Ms Brown explains that she is terrified, but feels compelled to take this drastic step.

For Ms Brown, from Essex, suffers from a rare compulsive disorder called trichotillomania – which causes her to pull out her own hair.

Ms Brown explained in the video: ‘I currently have tons of hair on my head, but I have so much permanent damage, that some of this is not going to grow for another year or so.

‘It’s either shave my hair, or lose my hair.

‘I’m fed up of being triggered and tortured by the hair on my head, and I don’t really feel I have any other option.’

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Rebecca Brown, 23, from Essex has documented her struggle with trichotillomania - a disorder that causes her to compulsively pull out her hair - for years. In her latest video, the vlogger shaves her head entirely

Rebecca Brown, 23, from Essex has documented her struggle with trichotillomania - a disorder that causes her to compulsively pull out her hair - for years. In her latest video, the vlogger shaves her head entirely

Ms Brown has been documenting her life online for more than nine years, through blog posts, photos and YouTube vlogs.

Two years ago she created a YouTube channel called TrichJournal, dedicated specifically to her battle against trichotillomania.

An estimated 110 million people across the world suffer from the disorder, also known as TTM, according to the non-profit organisation No Pulling.

Many people afflicted with TTM have the compulsion to pull their hair as a coping mechanism for anxiety and emotional problems.

The pulling is often done subconsciously, and can affect hair on the top of the head and eyelashes, in addition to skin picking and nail biting.

 For many people watching, they may think this is excessive or unnecessary – and it’s not
Rebecca Brown 

On her YouTube channel, Ms Brown has posted videos reflecting her journey from an adolescent with flowing blonde hair to a young adult who eventually shaved her head off in 2011.

Since then, Ms Brown had been growing her hair out, with the hopes that she would not have to take that step again.

Ms Brown said in her new video: ‘For many people watching, they may think this is excessive or unnecessary – and it’s not.

‘Countless people with my disorder have to go through this, and I never thought I would have to go through this again – and I’m very shocked I’m having to go through this. 

'I haven’t had to do this for years.

‘I’m not scared of shaving it off or being bald - that doesn’t scare me;  I’m scared of what it symbolizes.’

With her hands shaking, Ms Brown has a final ‘last play', running her hands through her hair. 

Before she begins shaving, Ms Brown explains that while she has 'tons of hair' on her head currently, she has suffered permanent damage that necessitates shaving it all off - or risk losing her hair forever

Before she begins shaving, Ms Brown explains that while she has 'tons of hair' on her head currently, she has suffered permanent damage that necessitates shaving it all off - or risk losing her hair forever

With tears in her eyes, the vlogger starts to shave the hair she had been growing since the last time she had to shave her head in 2011. She explains it may take years before her hair is that length once again

With tears in her eyes, the vlogger starts to shave the hair she had been growing since the last time she had to shave her head in 2011. She explains it may take years before her hair is that length once again


Trichotillomania is a compulsive disorder.

It involves recurrent, irresistible urges to pull out hair from one's scalp, eyebrows or other areas of the body, despite trying to stop.

Hair pulling from the scalp often leaves patchy bald spots.

Those bald spots can causes significant distress and interfere with social or work functioning. 

Most people who have trichotillomania also will pick their skin, bite their nails or chew their lips.

Many with the disorder pull hair in private and generally try to hide the disorder from others.

People with trichotillomania may also go to great lengths to disguise the loss of hair.

For some people suffering from the disorder, trichotillomania can be mild and generally manageable.

But for others, the compulsive urge to pull hair is overwhelming. 

However, some treatment options have helped many people reduce their hair pulling or stop entirely.

Such treatments include psychotherapy and the use of medications, such as antidepressants. 

The cause of trichotillomania is unclear. 

But like many complex disorders, it may result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors

Source: Mayo Clinic 

She said: ‘It could be a couple more years before I have hair this length again.’

Then taking a deep breath Ms Brown pushes the razor through her hair.

Visibly distraught, she fights through the tears.

‘I can go shorter,’ she said, as she begins to shave her head completely.

Ms Brown explained: ‘I don’t know if I come across scared, but I am scared.’

After several minutes of shaving, Ms Brown’s head is completely bald.

She explains to the viewers at home that she feels she has regressed five years, to the last time she had to shave her head.

Ms Brown scratches her shaved head, saying it feels really nice, but clearly looks shaken by the experience.

‘Shaving does not stop my disorder,’ she said.

‘This is not the end of my disorder, but I’ve kind of been forced to do this.

‘Trichotillomania is very, very complicated.’

But even with the setback of having to once again shave her head, Ms Brown vows to not let her disorder get her down.

Ms Brown said: ‘Despite this, I’ve got to keep ploughing forward.

‘You can’t give up with a disorder, even if you hate it.

‘You’ve got to keep going because you can’t do anything else.’

Ms Brown’s video has been viewed nearly 155,000 times since it was posted earlier this month.

Midway through the shave, Ms Brown must change to an electric razor that can get a closer shave. Soon, the vlogger is completely bald

Midway through the shave, Ms Brown must change to an electric razor that can get a closer shave. Soon, the vlogger is completely bald

Ms Brown explains that shaving her head does not stop the disorder - but it may help save her hair. She refuses to let this setback keep her down, however, vowing to 'keep ploughing forward'

Ms Brown explains that shaving her head does not stop the disorder - but it may help save her hair. She refuses to let this setback keep her down, however, vowing to 'keep ploughing forward'

The video also included clips from 2011, the last time she shaved her head. This image shows the damage to her scalp at the time, caused by her disorder

The video also included clips from 2011, the last time she shaved her head. This image shows the damage to her scalp at the time, caused by her disorder


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1 nhận xét:

  1. scroll down for video? wheres the fuckin video then u clickbaiting cunts

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