’$5 coin’ could soon be reality

The writing could be on the wall for notes and coins as they mark 50 years in use.

AUSTRALIAN dollars and cents turn 50 one week from today, but don’t expect notes and coins to last another 50 years.

Since the move from pounds to dollars on February 14, 1966, the way we pay has changed dramatically and experts believe bigger moves are on the horizon.

The world is watching as several countries — notably Sweden and Denmark — transform aggressively into cashless societies. Some local retailers have started operating without cash and electronic payments are booming.

While a report by Westpac last year found that many people believe Australia will be cashless by 2022, financial experts see notes and coins sticking around for several years yet.

People’s Choice Credit Union has been an early adopter of financial technologies such as authorising transactions by fingerprint and its CEO Steve Laidlaw said that cash was likely to last longer than credit cards, which could be replaced by mobile phones within five years.

“Research has found you are much more likely to feel your mobile phone is missing within about 20 minutes rather than your credit card, and phones have additional security devices,” he said.

Mr Laidlaw said cash withdrawals from ATMs were declining by about 10 per cent a year, and 5c coins would likely be the first to disappear as rising inflation reduced their worth as it did to 1c and 2c coins.

“I would expect the $5 note to become a coin as well,” he said.


One hundred dollar notes are increasing their circulation despite the rise of electronic payments.

One hundred dollar notes are increasing their circulation despite the rise of electronic payments.Source:Supplied

Australian Centre of Financial Studies research director Kevin Davis said “the writing is on the wall” for notes and coins, as technology became cheaper for small-value transactions and the cost of producing notes and coins increased.

“I think it’s safe to say it’s highly unlikely that notes and coins will be around in 50 years’ time,” he said.

Professor Davis said cash would remain popular in the black economy because it could not be tracked like electronic payments. “It is still likely to be in demand from those who want to remain anonymous,” he said.

This may be a reason why some cash forms are bucking the trend. CommSec said last week that the Reserve Bank had been forced to increase its issuance of $100 banknotes as their circulation grew at 12.1 per cent annually.

“The $64 question is what people are doing with the notes,” said CommSec chief economist Craig James.

“Are the notes being held in safe deposit facilities at bank or being stored in safes?” It might reflect peoples’ worries about financial insecurity or foreigners taking them, he said.

SocietyOne — a financial technology company with investors including News Corp, James Packer and Westpac — matches lenders and borrowers online, and CEO Matt Symons said governments were motivated to remove cash eventually so they could identify all transactions.

However, the key driver was convenience.

“Consumers are embracing technologies at a faster and faster rate — there’s a willingness to explore and experiment with new ideas and approaches if they offer greater convenience and value,” he said.

“There’s a strong business case for governments and consumers to phase out cash.”


15 billion — the number of coins produced by the Royal Australian Mint since 1966.

1.3 billion — the number of banknotes currently in circulation, according to the Reserve Bank.

$65.5 billion — the value of those banknotes.

1984 — the one dollar coin was introduced.

1988 — the two dollar coin was introduced.

1990 - one and two cent coins were taken out of circulation.

120 per cent — the increase in $100 banknotes in circulation since 2003.

Email: anthony.keane@news.com.au

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