Starbucks slammed over sign

When Starbucks opened its coffee shops in Saudi Arabia, it removed the long-haired woman from its logo, keeping only her crown. Now it has come under fire for segregating women. Picture: Hasan Jamali

STARBUCKS has been forced to defend itself after a controversial sign posted on one of its stores went viral for all the wrong reasons.

The note, taped to the door of a Riyadh outlet of the coffee chain, warned female customers not to enter, but to send their (male) driver to place their orders instead.

They have drivers, of course, because women in Saudi Arabia are not legally permitted to drive.

A young woman from Lebanon sparked the furore by tweeting an image of the sign, along with the message: “Imagine a place where you can’t: 1) Drive yourself to a coffee shop 2) Order your own coffee”.

By the time Starbucks moved to address the issue on Monday, feminists around the world were rallying outside stores and calling for a global boycott.

Starbucks has 78 stores in Saudi Arabia, all of which have gender walls to separate single men from potential temptresses— apart from one store, reserved for women and children.

Saudi Arabia’s discriminatory treatment of women has been documented by Human Rights Watch, including the case of two women arrested and detained for 73 days after illegally driving to the United Arab Emirates-Saudi Arabia border in 2014.

Saudi women are forbidden from holding a passport, marrying, travelling, or accessing higher education without the approval of a male guardian.

On a positive note, in December they won the right to vote and run for office in municipal elections.

In France, debate over the public enactment of Islamic cultural precepts is particularly heated, so activists went into overdrive after spotting the tweeted image.

So what was the reason behind the controversial sign?

When Starbucks finally responded to the controversy, it explained that the shop’s ban on ladies had been lifted— thanks to a reinstated segregation wall.

“At Starbucks, we adhere to the local customs of Saudi Arabia by providing separate entrances for families as well as single people. In addition, all our stores provide equal amenities, service, menu, and seating to men, women and families,” the company said in a statement to CNN.

“We are working as quickly as possible as we refurbish our Jarir store so that we may again welcome all customers in accordance with local customs.”

This didn’t cut it with the protesters, who began to tweet memes comparing the situation with Apartheid South Africa.

Starbucks released another statement yesterday saying that the chain “welcomes all customers, including women and families, to enjoy the Starbucks experience”.

“We have worked with local authorities to obtain approval to refurbish one of our stores in Jarir, which was originally built without a gender wall. That meant it could only accommodate men in accordance with local law.

“This was the only such Starbucks store in Saudi Arabia. During construction, the store could only accommodate and serve single men, and a poster was placed at the store entrance as required by local law.

“We are pleased to share that the store is now accessible to single men on one side as well as women and families on the other side.”

Well, that’s a relief.

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