Adam Johnson arrives at court with jury in child sex trial set to consider verdicts

Adam Johnson arrives at Bradford Crown Court this morning as the judge prepares to send out the jury

Adam Johnson arrives at Bradford Crown Court this morning as the judge prepares to send out the jury

The jury in the Adam Johnson child sex trial are due to be sent out to begin their deliberations today.

The former Sunderland footballer is accused of two counts of sexual activity with a 15-year-old after he admitted grooming the girl online and kissing her during a meeting in his car.

Jurors in the case will have to decide whether he went further with the schoolgirl, who claims she performed a sex act on the star and he put his hand down her trousers.

Both the girl, who cannot be identified, and Johnson have given evidence during his two-week trial at Bradford Crown Court.

Johnson says he kissed the girl but realised what he was doing was wrong and dropped her off at a sweet shop.

The girl said that, at first, she found it 'surreal' that the player she idolised was sending her online messages, but insisted she now hates the 28-year-old for making her out to be a liar.

The prosecution's case is that Johnson 'has lied to his girlfriend, to police and to the court'. The defence's case is that the girl, is a 'proven liar' who made up the sex allegations.

The judge in the trial, Jonathon Rose, began his summing up of the case to the jury yesterday and is due to finish this morning.

Judge Rose yesterday reminded the jury that Johnson had admitted lying on eight occasions.

He said: 'The prosecution says these lies were told in an attempt to conceal Adam Johnson's guilt.'

But he said the defence case was that 'such lies as he has told are merely the panicked response of a man who had done wrong by his family'.

The judge also told jurors that they must not assume Johnson is guilty just because he has admitted lying.

He said: 'Lies alone cannot prove a case against Adam Johnson. You must consider all of the evidence in this case.'

Johnson, of Castle Eden, County Durham, denies two counts of sexual activity with a child.

Johnson was again accompanied by his ex-girlfriend, Stacey Flounders, who gave evidence for the defence

Johnson was again accompanied by his ex-girlfriend, Stacey Flounders, who gave evidence for the defence


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