Deadly diet pills which ‘microwave the body’ are flooding on to the black market despite website sellers being shut down at a rate of more than five a day.
Hundreds of thousands of illegal slimming pills, including highly toxic fat-burning chemical DNP - responsible for five deaths last year - have been seized.
Today the Local Government Association, which represents more than 370 councils in England and Wales, is calling for tougher penalties on criminals selling the pills due to the harm they can cause.
Many of the pills claim to use only natural or herbal ingredients when they actually contain banned substances which can dramatically increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, and can result in coma and death.
Danger: Fat-burning pills such as DNP, pictured, have been seized by councils across Britain
Rogue websites often sell illegal products alongside perfectly legitimate weight loss drugs, which increases the risk of people being misled into buying them.
The demand for ‘quick-fix’ diet pills is so great that websites are being launched as fast as they are being shut down.
Last year about 2,000 websites selling unlicensed slimming tablets were shut down by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.
At the same time more than 240,000 doses of pills were seized by teams involving local council trading standards officers.
The latest significant seizure of DNP came last week at a property in London set up as a diet pill factory.
The maximum penalty anyone selling the pills can receive under food safety laws is just two years in prison.
Warning: Eloise Parry, 21, died last year after taking eight DNP tablets while suffering from bulimia
Where someone dies, the LGA says the sentence for selling the pills should be comparable with other offences where life has been put at risk.
Most slimming tablets help people lose weight by controlling appetite and stopping snacking but many of them contain ingredients unfit for human consumption.
These include dinitrophenol - DNP - which accelerates the metabolism to a dangerously fast level and in large doses can cause death by ‘cooking’ the body from within.
The most commonly seized product is ‘Reductil’ which was withdrawn from the market six years ago because the active ingredient sibutramine increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
In December, a coroner issued a warning following the death of the death of 25-year-old Rachael Cook, from Worthing.
An inquest found Miss Cook died as an ‘accidental consequence’, of taking DNP in relation to her eating disorder.
West Sussex coroner, Penny Schofield said: ‘I know there is pressure on young people to be slim and many will take drastic action to achieve this but this is not the way to do it. I would urge them to look at the almost inevitable fatal consequences of taking this fatal drug.
‘Let not another family lose a young person to such painful and unnecessary death.’
Last summer, the mother of a student who died after taking toxic diet pills containing DNP called for a clampdown on websites selling the potentially lethal drugs.
Twenty-one year Eloise Parry, from Shrewsbury, died within hours of taking eight DNP tablets in April last year.
Following an inquest, her mother, Fiona, a chemistry teacher, said: ‘I would very much like to see much harsher and stiffer penalties for distributing and supplying this substance.
‘Looking good should never cost you your health or your life.’
The LGA said Illegal diet pills seized in recent raids involved the arrest in Harrow, London, of a man on suspicion of selling DNP as a slimming aid after a ‘significant amount’ of the substance was seized at a property where a room had been converted into a diet pill factory.
In Bury more than 28,000 banned pills with a street value of £52,000 were confiscated
There was a seizure of 23,000 illegal diet pills in Hampshire with a value of £30,000, and banned ‘herbal’ diet pills worth £40,000 were recovered from a home in Sussex which had been set up as a distribution centre.
The LGA said a public education campaign about the risks to health is needed alongside tougher penalties for the dealers.
The chairman of the LGA’s Safer and Stronger Communities Board, Councillor Simon Blackburn, said: ‘Those involved in the illegal supply of diet pills aren’ t interested in people’s health - they are only interested in making a profit.
‘There needs to be longer sentences for supplying substances such as DNP because they can kill people.
‘Numerous websites make attractive claims by offering ‘quick-fix’ solutions for tablets. ‘Natural’ or ‘herbal’ doesn’t mean they are safe.
‘Many of these slimming pills will not be licensed medicines and contain unknown and dangerous ingredients which could seriously endanger people’s health and could cost them their lives.
‘Weight loss pills should only be used on a prescription basis and obtained from a reputable high street or registered pharmacy which can trade online.
‘There are no real quick fixes to losing weight. Healthy weight loss is about an ongoing lifestyle that includes long-term changes in daily eating and physical activity habits. Anyone with concerns about their health should contact their GP and get a proper diagnosis.’
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