Bacteria found in Ӧtzi the iceman could turn the Out of Africa theory on its head

Despite being mummified in the icy Austrian landscape 5,300 years ago, Ӧtzi the iceman is continuing to reveal secrets of our ancestral past.

In addition to suffering from the world's first-known case of Lyme disease, a new study has found he was also infected with a common bacterium, Helicobacter pylori, which is present in about half the population today.

Experts say the find could reveal how disease spread at the time of his death, the discovery could even reveal more about the complex movements of the first Europeans.

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A new study has found that Otzi the 5,300 year old ice-mummy was also infected with a common bacterium, Helicobacter pylori. The bacterium is present in about half the population today. The discovery could reveal more about the complex movements of ancient Europeans

A new study has found that Otzi the 5,300 year old ice-mummy was also infected with a common bacterium, Helicobacter pylori. The bacterium is present in about half the population today. The discovery could reveal more about the complex movements of ancient Europeans

Researchers at the European Academy (Eurac) uncovered the genome of H.pylori through analysis of the entire DNA of the contents of Ӧtzi's stomach.

Normally, the bacteria would be found in the lining of the stomach, but as he has been dead for so long, this wasn't possible for Ӧtzi.

As bacteria are transmitted through close contact, they are usually shared by families and communities.


Scientists believe that there were originally two distinct strains of the H.pylori - an African and an Asian strain. 

The two are though to have merged to form the modern strain which infects people in Europe today.

Rather than being infected with the same strain as Europeans today, Ӧtzi's was found to H.pylori strain more closely related to that found in modern Central and South Asia.

It had been assumed that Stone Age people were already infected with the European strain of the bacteria before they settled down, giving up the nomadic life for farming, before Ӧtzi's time in the Copper Age. 

The findings mean that the 'merge' event happened after Otzi, and shows that the history of settlements in Europe is much more complex than previously thought.

Dr Frank Maixner said: ‘We actually don’t know what kind of people brought this African H.pylori into Europe. 

'What we do know is that the signal for this second population which has come into Europe is strongest in North East Africa.

‘What more than likely happened…is that the North East signal, found in modern day Europeans, had not evolved by the time we left Africa 65,000 years ago.'

‘This study, plus others...indicate at least one other migration out of North East Africa, bringing these signals to the Middle East or the fertile crescent.’

This means that the appearance of their DNA can act as 'bacterial breadcrumbs' for scientist to trace the movements of people thousands of years ago.

The findings also suggest that the bug has been with humans for millennia, and that our evolutionary paths are so intertwined it may have been with us since the beginning of human history. 

Scientists believe that there were originally two distinct strains of H.pylori - an African and an Asian strain - which merged to form the modern strain which infects people in Europe today.

But when they analysed the DNA of Ӧtzi's H.pylori, the team made an intriguing discovery. 

Rather than being infected with the same strain as Europeans today, the iceman had a strain more closely related to bacteria found in modern Central and South Asia.

It had been assumed that Stone Age people were already infected with the European strain of the bacteria before they settled down, giving up the nomadic life for farming, before Ӧtzi's time in the Copper Age.

But the findings from Ӧtzi turn this theory on its head, indicating that the movements of early Europeans may have been much more complicated than previously believed. 

'The recombination of the two types of Helicobacter may have only occurred at some point after Ötzi's era and this shows that the history of settlements in Europe is much more complex than previously assumed,' explained Dr Frank Maixner, a microbiologist at EURAC.

He added: ‘We actually don’t know what kind of people brought this African H.pylori into Europe.

'What we do know is that the signal for this second population, which has come into Europe is strongest in North East Africa. 

‘What more than likely happened…is that the North East signal, found in modern day Europeans, had not evolved by the time we left Africa 65,000 years ago.'

The 'Out of Africa' theory holds that the main migration from Africa occurred around 65,000 years ago.

Scientists believe that there were originally two distinct strains of the H.pylori (stock images of the bacterium), an African and an Asian strain, which merged to form the modern strain which infects people in Europe today
Scientists believe that there were originally two distinct strains of the H.pylori (stock images of the bacterium), an African and an Asian strain, which merged to form the modern strain which infects people in Europe today

Scientists believe that there were originally two distinct strains of the H.pylori (stock images above) -  an African and an Asian strain - which merged to form the modern strain which infects people in Europe today

Last year, a DNA study of modern people from Ethiopia and Egypt suggested that our ancestors first spread east, via the Arabian Peninsula, and entered South Asia long before the 60,000 year mark. They would later have moved westwards, to what is now Europe. 

He continued: 'This study, plus others...indicate at least one other migration out of North East Africa, bringing these signals to the Middle East or the fertile crescent.’

The findings also hint that Ӧtzi may even have been sick at the time of his death.

Analysis of the ancient bacterial DNA indicates it was producing toxins which could have been making the iceman ill.

While H.pylori remains relatively quiet in most people, around 10 per cent of those infected will develop complications such as stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal problems, which mostly affect people in old age.

The findings hint that Ӧtzi (pictured) may even have been sick at the time of his death. Analysis of the ancient bacterial DNA indicates it was producing toxins which could have been making the iceman ill. H.pylori can create stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal problems in some people

The findings hint that Ӧtzi (pictured) may even have been sick at the time of his death. Analysis of the ancient bacterial DNA indicates it was producing toxins which could have been making the iceman ill. H.pylori can create stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal problems in some people

Dr Albert Zink, a paleobiologist at EURAC and director of the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman, explained: 'Whether Ötzi suffered from stomach problems cannot be said with any degree of certainty, because his stomach tissue has not survived and it is in this tissue that such diseases can be discerned first 

Dr Albert Zink, a paleobiologist at EURAC and director of the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman, explained: 'Whether Ötzi suffered from stomach problems cannot be said with any degree of certainty, because his stomach tissue has not survived and it is in this tissue that such diseases can be discerned first 


Modern man is thought to have appeared in Africa around 200,000 years ago. But the details of how our species dispersed from there are still murky.

For many years the main 'Out of Africa' migration is believed have been around 65,000 years ago.

Last year, a DNA study of modern people from Ethiopia and Egypt suggested that our ancestors first spread east, via the Arabian Peninsula, and entered South Asia long before the 60,000 year mark.

This contradicts the theory that claims Homo sapiens didn't move eastwards until 60,000 years ago instead settling around Eurasia. 

One theory is that the presence of the Neanderthals kept our species out of west Eurasia.

Scientists also suggest that that modern humans, who started out in Africa, weren't prepared from the harsh winter conditions in Europe.

Our species, Homo sapiens, is thought to have appeared in Africa around 200,000 years ago. The details of its dispersal from there are still murky. The latest study suggests that our ancestors first spread east, via the Arabian Peninsula, and entered South Asia long before the 60,000 year mark (shown by the yellow arrow)

Our species, Homo sapiens, is thought to have appeared in Africa around 200,000 years ago. The details of its dispersal from there are still murky. The latest study suggests that our ancestors first spread east, via the Arabian Peninsula, and entered South Asia long before the 60,000 year mark (shown by the yellow arrow)

When people are infected, their DNA can show lasting signs as they produce immune proteins to battle infection. This immunological 'smoking gun' was found in Ӧtzi.

'We showed the presence of marker proteins which we see today in patients infected with Helicobacter,' said Dr Maixner.

This would mean Ӧtzi's bacteria was expressing virulence factors, pumping out poisons which would likely have placed him within the 10 per cent of people with complications.

Dr Albert Zink, a paleobiologist at EURAC and director of the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman, explained: 'Whether Ötzi suffered from stomach problems cannot be said with any degree of certainty, because his stomach tissue has not survived and it is in this tissue that such diseases can be discerned first.

'Nonetheless, the preconditions for such a disease did in fact exist in Ötzi.' 


Ötzi, (artist's impression) was 46 when he died, and measured 5ft 2 inches. He had brown eyes, and tests have revealed he was lactose intolerant

Ötzi, (artist's impression) was 46 when he died, and measured 5ft 2 inches. He had brown eyes, and tests have revealed he was lactose intolerant

Since his discovery on 19 December 1991 by German hikers, Ӧtzi has provided window into early human history.

His mummified remains were uncovered in melting glacier in the mountainous border between Austria and Italy.

Analysis of the body has told us that he was alive during the Copper Age and died a grisly death.

Ötzi, who was 46 at the time of his death, had brown eyes, relatives in Sardinia, and was lactose intolerant.

He was also predisposed to heart disease.

Recent research focused on the DNA in the nuclei of Ötzi's cells, and it could yield further insights into the famous ice mummy's life.

Ötzi was unearthed in September 1991 by German tourists trekking through the Oetz Valley, after which he was named.

Researchers examining the contents of his stomach worked out that his final meal consisted of venison and ibex meat.

Archaeologists believe Ötzi, who was carrying a bow, a quiver of arrows and a copper axe, may have been a hunter or warrior killed in a skirmish with a rival tribe.

Researchers say he was about 5ft 2.5 inches (159cm) tall, 46 years old, arthritic and infested with whipworm - an intestinal parasite.

His perfectly preserved body is stored in his own specially designed cold storage chamber at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Italy at a constant temperature of -6°C (21°F). 

Visitors can view the mummy through a small window.

Alongside his remains is a new Ötzi model created using 3D images of the corpse and forensic technology by two Dutch artists - Alfons and Adrie Kennis.

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