Discovery of how HIV antibodies behave 'will guide scientists trying to build vaccine'

One of the most important fields of HIV research is focused on developing a vaccine to protect people from the potentially deadly virus.

For a vaccine to work, it must stimulate antibodies that can attack the virus, even as it relentlessly mutates.

Now, a team of scientists at Duke University have tracked a group of rare, potent antibodies in an individual who is HIV positive.

From that they were able to determine a series of structures that indicate how those antibodies developed.

Scientists at Duke University, who have been anaylzing the blood samples of an HIV positive individual in Africa for the last six years have discovered the structures by which rare and potent antibodies develop

Scientists at Duke University, who have been anaylzing the blood samples of an HIV positive individual in Africa for the last six years have discovered the structures by which rare and potent antibodies develop

Their discovery, they said, will form a blueprint to help guide researchers as they try to build an experimental vaccine.

That vaccine would aim to recreate the pathway that gives rise to these important and broadly neutralizing antibodies.

Dr Mattia Bonsignori, first author of the study from the Duke Human Vaccine Institute, said: 'We have followed a less potent neutralizing lineage in this particular individual before, but now we have found a far more potent antibody and have been able to study its development over six years.

'With sequential structures, we can see the changes that occurred in both antibody and virus.'

The individual who researchers have been studying was identified in Africa six years ago.

Their HIV was diagnosed within weeks of infection and they provided blood samples to researchers periodically from the time of diagnosis.

This has allowed researchers to examine in real time, the co-evolution of the virus and the body's immune response.

Using high-resolution electron microscopes and building structural models, the scientists were able to see the antibodies binding to the HIV envelope and the complicated structural changes that occurred in the antibody and the virus.

For a vaccine to work, it must stimulate antibodies that can attack the virus, even as it relentlessly mutates. Researchers say their discovery of the way these antibodies work will provide a 'blueprint' to help develop future vaccines to protect people against the virus

For a vaccine to work, it must stimulate antibodies that can attack the virus, even as it relentlessly mutates. Researchers say their discovery of the way these antibodies work will provide a 'blueprint' to help develop future vaccines to protect people against the virus

Dr Peter Kwong, from the NIAID Vaccine Research Center and who also worked on the study, said: 'We could visualize this complex dance between the virus and the antibody and understand exactly how the virus was teaching the antibody to be a broadly neutralizing antibody.'

Dr Kwong said understanding that interaction has been an important part of the puzzle for vaccine development, because HIV mutates so rapidly.

Broadly neutralizing HIV antibodies have been isolated from chronically infected people, giving HIV vaccine developers hope that they could stimulate production of such antibodies in healthy people as protection against the virus.  

'Now we've been able to go back and see what happened we hope we can recreate this pathway but because it is so tortuous, it will be difficult,' said senior author Barton Haynes, director of the Duke Human Vaccine Institute. 

He said the research team's insights would be tested in animal models.

A second key to creating an effective vaccine is understanding how the body's immune system often thwarts development of broadly neutralizing antibodies, and work to solve that is ongoing, he added. 

The findings are reported online March 3, 2016 in the journal Cell.  

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